A Guide To Design A Warm Minimalist Home

A Guide To Design A Warm Minimalist Home

Posted by Luxo Living on 2/1/2023

Designing a minimalist home doesn't mean sacrificing cosiness, comfort, and beauty - and to help you achieve this balance between minimalism and warmth in your home, we've put together an easy-to-follow guide with a few key tips.

From creating inviting colour schemes to choosing simple yet substantial furniture pieces, these essential design elements will ensure that your minimalist home is inviting and captivating!

What is warm minimalism?

Warm minimalism is a style of decorating or design that focuses on creating warm and inviting spaces without compromising on the principles of minimalism. It marries traditional minimalistic elements such as monochrome colour schemes and simple furniture with cosy accents like soft throws, vintage items, and natural materials. With its thoughtfully curated pieces, warm minimalism helps to create a tranquil atmosphere in any home.

Today, it is the perfect balance between contemporary chic and homely charm – allowing you to express your own unique style while maintaining stylish simplicity.

Add curated, personal effects

Achieving the warm, minimalist look can seem complex in the beginning – the good news is that there are some simple tricks you can use to add an enticing personal touch while still sticking to the clean lines and subtle touches of the warm minimalism aesthetic.

Curate meaningful items – artwork and photographs, seasonal decorations like pinecones or dried flowers, or meaningful knick-knacks – and arrange them thoughtfully throughout your living space. With only a few elements added here and there, you can craft an inviting atmosphere that is both tranquil and cosy!

Pick the right colour palette

Another way to create the warm minimalist style in your home is by picking the right colour palette, which can really tie a room together and create a tonal atmosphere that seamlessly complements any home décor and furnishings you might have.

Rather than opt for bright and bold tones, focus on warmer, softer choices like sandy hues and greige accents. Introducing organic fibres such as cottons, jutes and linens can also help to achieve balance and add depth to a space without cluttering it up.

Colours like sky blues, buttery creams and smoky tans can provide harmony while allowing plenty of light into the room - perfect for achieving a warm minimalist look that works with your individual style.

Layer with different textures

Try mixing soft velvet curtains with a bold leather sofa and adding subtle accents around the room such as a rough wool rug, smooth glass objects, and light linen cushions. Combining these different textures will bring an interesting contrast to the overall look of your space while still keeping that sense of minimalism.

And of course, don't forget to include some textiles like throws and tapestries in contrasting colours to really make the warm aesthetic come to life.


To achieve the true benefits of a warm minimalist lifestyle, investing in good quality furniture that will last for years, or even decades, is key.

Look for beautiful textile items like cushions or throws that add warmth without making your space look cluttered. A few well-chosen pieces of art can make all the difference in an otherwise empty room, whether it’s your living room or bedroom, as can a well-placed indoor plant – both adding warmth and colour without overshadowing everything else.

Remember, it’s about creating a calm atmosphere not found in overly full rooms – so focus on purchasing a few good quality items that work together to create a unified look rather than collections of trinkets and souvenirs that don’t really fit in with one another.

Make warm minimalism your signature style!

Today, warm minimalism is a great way to add some homely charm and tranquillity to your living space without compromising on the principles of minimalism. Creating this look starts by curating meaningful items that reflect your personality, as well as selecting a colour palette of warmer tones such as sandy hues and greige accents. Make sure you also layer different textures and invest in good quality pieces – these will all come together to help you achieve the perfect balance between contemporary chic and homely comfort.

With just a few simple tricks, you can easily create beautiful yet functional spaces where you'll love spending time with family or entertaining guests!

Give your home the ultimate warm minimalist makeover when you buy furniture online from our curated lineup of designs.


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