Interior Design Trends that Will Ultimately Date Your Home

Interior Design Trends that Will Ultimately Date Your Home


Certain trends tend to make our homes age faster, resulting in a need to redecorate sooner than we often anticipate. As homeowners, we tend to get comfortable with the style and décor because we live with it daily. However, some visitors may not find it appealing.

Doesn’t a well-decorated and trendy home appeal to all of us? It sure does and we can make our homes look fresher for longer with a few tips. The tips are nothing but certain interior trends that you need to avoid when doing up your home because they’re the main culprits.

Let’s take a look at them below:

1. Matchy, Matchy- Not a Good Approach Anymore 

This is the age of colours and mismatched accessories and furniture. It’s about creating interesting and unique symmetry and that cannot happen with matching and identical rooms and sets. For years now, home designing trends have been leaning towards irregularity and contrast.

It gets too boring to see the same paint colours, furniture theme, seating plan and same accessories throughout the home. Besides dating faster, matching furniture sets and everything else is also pricier than going for separate eclectic options.

Hence, it is best to avoid matching suites and sets and also the décor identically. Instead, choose pieces that not only suit your style and budget but are also comfortable and make you happy.

2. Jumping the Bandwagon of Current Trends

We tend to blindly follow trends and the moment there’s one that gains momentum, we quickly hop onto its bandwagon. This is especially true in the case of interior design. In our eagerness to keep up with trends, we often ignore the negative impacts on the environment and the money we spend needlessly.

Hence, the next time you’re ready to update outdated furniture for certain spaces or adopt a trend mindlessly, make

time to consider it well first.

3. Soft Millennial Pinks

We know blush or soft millennial pink was the rage since 2018. We too would love the soft hue that we saw in restaurants, in our homes and just about anywhere. However, while this trend was all fun and chic, it has now made its way out.

There’s no denying the fact that pink will always have a soft spot in our hearts but it’s time to stop using the pastel hue in our home decoration. The theme is no longer a hot trend and will surely make your home look outdated.

However, if you’re not yet ready to part with pastel hues then a better alternative to blush pink are sandy shades, nude and sage.

4. Fake Plants

Fresh plants never go out of fashion nor do they ever stop benefitting your health. What can be better than having a fresh supply of oxygen and air purifier in your home than fresh greenery? We all know that plants emit CO2 and release oxygen and that’s a sure benefit for all beings. But while the natural variety is an evergreen trend, the faux counterparts are not.

Do not consider selecting faux indoor plants if you have greenery in mind for your home decoration project. Instead, look for natural fresh indoor plants that will bring foliage and vibrancy to your home. You can choose the easy-to-maintain varieties so that they’re hassle-free.

5. Too Much of the Same Texture

You must have heard that reflective and metallic textures add depth and an illusion of space to a room. While that is true, the fact also remains that using too many reflective and metallic textures makes a space feel cold.

Avoid incorporating too much of this in your space or you’d end up with cold and unwelcoming vibes. Instead, it is a wonderful idea to balance with softer textures like faux fur, boucle or velvet. You may also consider incorporating natural materials such as linen or cotton to even out the final look.

We’ve seen a lot of home decorators smartly using linen and velvet as complimenting textures and you’d go well to use those too.

Final Thoughts

Homeowners can keep their homes looking trendy, modern and tasteful for long by making smart choices during the decoration. If you commit any of the common mistakes we have outlined in our blog, you’d have to conduct a redecoration process sooner than expected.

By choosing wisely in terms of colour themes, décor and furniture, you’d not need more than a tweak or two to revamp your home. 

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