Cozy Decorating Ideas for Living Rooms: Embracing Autumn

Cozy Decorating Ideas for Living Rooms: Embracing Autumn


Can you think of anything better than sitting in your lounge by the fire and looking out at the gorgeous colours that come with Autumn? We’ll wait… We may be biased, but we reckon this season has a whole lot to offer. From the cooler temperatures to the unbelievably beautiful changes in nature, the food, the fashion and everything in between, it’s most definitely known as the cosy season. But what if there were more ways to make it even snugglier, just by making a few changes to the special spaces in your home?

Living Room Configuration

The first thing you’re going to think about when you’re out and about or huddling next to the heater in your office is getting home, snuggling up in your pyjamas and settling into the living room for a relaxing night. When the seasons change, it can often leave us feeling like we need a bit of a switch-up in terms of our decor and the way our furniture looks in those areas where you’re most likely to take time out for yourself. Rather than entirely re-doing your home, you can make some really simple changes like adding thicker textures, warmer tones and creating a place of serenity and warmth for when you need to relax. Adding furniture where necessary, like a cosy couch to give your living room a closer, warmer feel makes all the difference.

Blankets, Blankets and More Blankets

Colour. When we think of Autumn, we automatically envisage a whole host of rich oranges, tans, deep reds, greys and earthy browns. Adding these tones into our homes is all part of design mimicking nature. We want to bring Autumn indoors, so experimenting with these really flexible colours is one of the best ways to achieve exactly that. A pop of these colours on your bed spread to match your soft sheets, draped over your couch, blended into a rug or printed on a groovy chair cushion can make all the difference. Try experimenting with these colours and adding neutral tones in where possible — trust us, you’ll be feeling Autumn obsessed in no time.

Autumnal Accessories

As for texture, you want your furniture and all of the unique pieces that go with it to reflect the need for us to feel warm, comfortable and dry during this time of year. Think chunky wool blankets, weather-inspired thick cushions, and a couch you could just melt into. There’s nothing quite like wrapping yourself up in a plush throw with a hot chocolate or mulled wine and watching your favourite tv series to get you ready for a restful night ahead. Stained or light timber items such as coffee tables and shelves also work to tie the theme of a room together in this climate by matching perfectly with those tones we’ve mentioned earlier.

Then there’s lighting. Whether you love to cuddle up in bed or in the lounge and read a decent book, or just want to put yourself in a content state of mind, having the right lighting in Autumn is also a must. Side table lamps, mini pendant lights, a firepit — whatever your style, opting for warm lighting is essential to capturing the feel of the season.

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